Steam Smart Pro Carpet Duct & Tile Cleaning 

Can a Carpet Cleaner Make My Dog Sick?

Eric Bullard • Apr 10, 2023
Carpet Cleaning Expert in Tucson, AZ

“Can a carpet cleaner make my dog sick?”  This question plagues many pet owners who also want to maintain a clean home. Our professionals at Steam Smart Pro provide an in-depth answer.

Dogs are people’s best friends. It only makes sense that you’d want to protect your furry friend’s comfort and health in and out of the house. But so many materials and ingredients can negatively impact your dog’s well-being.

If your dog’s allergies have become more severe, you should check your current lineup of carpet cleaners and other cleaning products. Numerous solutions available for purchase at retail stores contain chemicals that may cause mild to severe allergic reactions. As Vail’s carpet cleaning experts, our team at Steam Smart Pro shares their carpet cleaning knowledge with you to help you keep Fido happy, healthy, and energetic. 

Signs Your Dog Has an Allergy

Some allergic reactions may not register on your radar. Your dog may present subtle symptoms that you can easily brush off. Skin allergies like contact dermatitis can manifest in insidious ways.

Like most dog owners, you likely notice your dog scratching, especially during certain times of the year. Grass, fleas, and even harmless itches can cause any dog to satisfy the sensation with some scratching. Yet, this behavior can become excessive and go unnoticed by family members.

If you notice your dog scratches more than usual, inspect its skin for signs of irritation like raised or scaly bumps. Your dog may also lose fur with excessive scratching, creating bald or thin patches along its coat. Take note of whether this behavior increases when you clean your carpets.

Your dog may also exhibit other worrying symptoms. Some carpet cleaners can affect the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, and other pertinent systems integral mammal functions. Watch for the following symptoms after your next carpet cleaning:

  • Hacking, coughing, sneezing, wheezing, or snoring
  • Licking or chewing excessively, especially around paws, legs, and the belly
  • Lack of appetite, vomiting, and loose stool
  • Raised sores on the skin’s surface

If your dog otherwise has a clean bill of health, it may have an allergy to your selection of cleaning products. 

Ingredients to Avoid

If you count any pet among your family members, always check a product’s label before purchasing and familiarize yourself with harmful ingredients. Inventory your cabinet’s current products and check for the following ingredients:

  • Ammonia is a common ingredient used in numerous products, including carpet cleaners, floor cleaners, and multi-surface cleaners. Its vapors agitate the respiratory system and can affect your dog’s throat, eyes, and nose. Consumption can lead to severe digestive problems.
  • Bleach is often found in multi-surface and all-purpose, as well as some floor cleaners. This corrosive chemical has caustic effects on the skin, respiratory system, and digestive system. You may witness your dog wheezing, coughing, or struggling with skin irritation after contact. If your dog ingests this substance, it can erode the digestive tract’s organ linings.
  • Glycol Ethers are frequently used in carpet cleaners and spot removers. This class of chemicals causes extreme toxicity if your dog consumes or inhales them directly. Your dog may struggle with immediate symptoms like eye and skin sensitivity. Your dog might also develop more severe health conditions later on such as kidney damage and anemia. Common glycol ethers include 2-Butoxyethanol, 2-Ethoxyethanol, and 2-Methoxyethanol.
  • Perchloroethylene is often used in carpet cleaners. If a carpet cleaner contains ammonia, it probably also includes this ingredient. Your dog may suffer from its toxic effects via skin absorption, ingestion, or inhalation.
  • Naphthalene, like Perchloroethylene, is another ingredient found in carpet cleaners. Exposure can have severe consequences such as damaged red blood cells, liver damage, anemia, and kidney injuries. 

Products to Avoid

Although the above ingredients can help you choose your future products, numerous other solutions can have negative health consequences for your four-legged friend. The following products may also contain other ingredients known to cause toxicity and allergic reactions in dogs. If you possess any of these products, extensively research the ingredient list: 

  • Detergents
  • Counter cleaners
  • Drain cleaners
  • Bathroom disinfectants
  • Fabric softeners and cleaners
  • Window cleaners
  • All-purpose and multi-surface cleaners

If possible, replace them with non-toxic cleaning solutions that include gentler ingredients.

Otherwise, keep your dog out of the room until the products have completely dried. You can let your dog spend time outside or in another room. While you clean the room, keep it ventilated to prevent the chemicals from staying in the air. 

Is The Carpet The Problem?

“Can a carpet cleaner make my dog sick?” Yes, it can. But so can the carpet! If you’ve removed exposure hazards or switched up your cleaning products completely, you might still observe allergic reactions.

Sometimes, a carpet’s fibers can cause respiratory and skin sensitivity. How could your carpet cause an allergic reaction? Your dog could suffer one of the following:

  • An allergy to the carpet fibers
  • Sensitivity to dirt, dust, and debris trapped within the fibers
  • Pests like fleas or mites
  • Mold spores caught in the fibers

Sometimes, even old dog hair can cause a reaction as it degrades and mixes with other irritants. But what solutions can you employ to prevent allergies and sickness?   

How To Prevent Illness

First and foremost, take your dog to a qualified veterinarian to ensure your dog is otherwise in good health. Then, request flea and mite medications to prevent a pest infestation. You can also begin a non-toxic cleaning routine to eliminate fibers, allergens, and other microbes from causing allergies.

Finally, choose a local cleaning service that uses pet-friendly products to deep-clean your floors from time to time. Professional services will greatly reduce the amount of pollutants circulating within your home. 

Steam Smart Pro Cares About Your Dog Too!

“Can a carpet cleaner make my dog sick?”

Yes, a carpet cleaner can make your dog sick. But our expert cleaning services at Steam Smart Pro can make carpet cleaning a stress-free experience with non-toxic products and cleaning methods. We can help you figure out how to get dog hair out of the carpet and product your furry friends. Call us at 520-416-4308. Same-day services may be available.

Author Bio:

Eric Bullard

The owner of Steam Smart Pro in Tucson, AZ, brings over 20 years of invaluable experience in the field of carpet, tile, and air duct cleaning. With a strong dedication to quality and a deep understanding of effective cleaning techniques, Eric consistently delivers outstanding results to his satisfied residential and commercial clients.

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