Steam Smart Pro Carpet Duct & Tile Cleaning 

What to Do If Carpet Smells Bad After Cleaning

Eric Bullard • Sep 10, 2022
Reliable Carpet Cleaning by Steam Smart Pro

All carpets need a deep cleaning now and then. Deep cleaning can restore color and breathe new life into your existing carpet. But what if cleaning doesn’t get those odors out?

If your carpet smells bad after cleaning, you might wonder if you’re doing something wrong. Today, Advantage Plumbing & Sewer Co. is here to talk about how to handle a stubbornly stinky carpet. 

Contact us today for reliable carpet cleaning by Steam Smart Pro in Vail, AZ

Why Does My Carpet Smell Bad After Cleaning?

The first thing is to figure out why your carpet smells. There are several reasons why your carpet has unpleasant odors, even after cleaning. 

Too Much Water

Wet carpets need sufficient time to dry and sometimes won’t dry fully. If the underlay becomes too saturated, the drying process will not proceed properly. Excess moisture in the underlay and fibers invites mold growth, which produces a pungent odor. 

Carpets in rooms that do not get much airflow or sunlight are most susceptible to drying problems. If your carpet has issues with drying, you should invest in a large box fan to speed up the process. 

Low-Quality Cleaning

Sometimes, the previous cleaning job just wasn’t enough. If you or the cleaning company did a poor job, you might notice a residual smell. One of the major problems with low-quality carpet cleaning is if the equipment cannot remove sufficient water. 

Professional cleaning companies use fans and high-quality vacuuming equipment to remove water thoroughly to facilitate drying. Other problems could be using too much detergent or not using enough cleaning solution. 

Pet Urine

If you own a pet, the foul smell could be from pet urine. Pet urine, specifically dog urine, contains ammonia and urochrome. When these two chemicals dry, they crystallize and cause permanent staining. Pet urine stains that have set are exceedingly difficult to remove from carpets. 

Even worse, cleaning the carpet can activate the chemicals, causing the smell to rise to the surface again. You will need a professional to sufficiently remove pet urine stains and odors. 

Mold & Mildew

Excess water can also cause mold and mildew growth. Mold, in particular, is hazardous as mold spores can cause respiratory and neurological side effects, such as itching, coughing, dizziness, fatigue, and headaches. 

You won't be able to remove mold and mildew with a normal cleaning process. You’ll need a professional to apply an antimicrobial cleaning solution and vacuum the remains. In the worst-case scenario, you’ll have to replace the affected areas. 


Cigarette smoke works its way into all the fibers in your home, including drapes, furniture, curtains, and carpets. Cigarette smoke produces tar, a thick waxy substance that’s a residue from combustion. 

Tar can cause permanent stains, and it’s almost impossible to remove the smell of cigarettes. If you smoke inside of your home, virtually no amount of professional cleaning can fully get the smell out of your carpet. 

How to Fix a Smelly Carpet

Below are some methods to try if your carpet smells bad after cleaning.

Speed Up Drying

The most common cause of smelly carpets is difficulty drying. You can speed up the drying process in several ways:

  • Open your windows and doors. The more airflow through your home, the faster your carpet will dry. 
  • Buy a large box fan and position it near the wet spots. Large box fans remove moisture faster to help the drying process. 
  • If necessary, use a dehumidifier. Lowering the room’s humidity will help water in the carpet evaporate faster. 

Use Vinegar

White vinegar is a classic home solution to unpleasant odors. Mix equal parts water and white vinegar into a spray bottle and shake. Spray the affected portion thoroughly until you cover the entire surface and it’s wet to the touch. 

Vinegar evaporates over time, so wait until the smell is gone and the carpet is dry. Vacuum the carpet afterward, and repeat the procedure if necessary. 

Use Baking Soda or Borax

Both borax and baking soda pull stains out of carpet fibers and work as a deodorizer. They are two long-standing solutions for carpet stains and odors.

Sprinkle the borax or baking soda over the stain spot, taking care to cover the edges. Using a soft brush, gently scrub the powder into the carpet fibers until it’s all the way through. Leave the powder overnight or for at least 12 hours. 

After, use a vacuum to clean the powder. Make sure you press hard to pull baking soda out of the deep fibers. If the stain or smells persist, repeat the process until it subsides. 

Common Carpet Cleaning Mistakes

Sometimes, your technique is why your carpet smells bad after cleaning. If you are not cleaning your carpet correctly, it will contribute to the bad smell. 

  • Keep furniture off the carpet until it’s entirely dry. Furniture blocks airflow and prevents moisture from evaporating. Similarly, you shouldn't try to hide stains by placing furniture over them. Keep stains clear and uncovered while drying. 
  • Avoid foot traffic on wet carpets. Pressure from stepping forces more moisture into the fibers, making them take longer to dry. If you walk on your wet carpet, it will also pick up dirt and debris from your feet and shoes. 
  • Don’t try to use a regular vacuum cleaner to remove water from your carpet, or you’ll run the risk of shorting it out. You’ll need to rent or buy a wet vac that can handle the moisture.
  • Make sure you don’t use too much cleaning solution or deodorizing powders. Harsh cleaning solutions can damage carpet fibers, and deodorizing powders can create thick gunk if you don’t have a strong enough vacuum cleaner. 

Professional Carpet Cleaning in Vail

If your carpet smells bad after cleaning, the professional carpet cleaners at Steam Smart Pro can help. Contact us online or call today at (520) 416-4308 to schedule an appointment, and feel free to read our blog to learn how professional carpet cleaning can help with removing allergens

Author Bio:

Eric Bullard

The owner of Steam Smart Pro in Tucson, AZ, brings over 20 years of invaluable experience in the field of carpet, tile, and air duct cleaning. With a strong dedication to quality and a deep understanding of effective cleaning techniques, Eric consistently delivers outstanding results to his satisfied residential and commercial clients.

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