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Cleaning Couch in the Summer: Best Practices

Eric Bullard • Jul 30, 2022
Couch Cleaning - Steam Smart Pro

Get expert cleaning couch services in the summer by calling Steam Smart Pro at 520-502-7683

With more families spending time indoors watching Netflix this summer, using the best cleaning couch solutions remains crucial. The couch is an essential piece of furniture for most living rooms. Unfortunately, this also means guests and family use the couch the most. 

While you’re probably not leaping for joy at the thought of cleaning your couch during the summer, applying regular cleaning tips ensures your sofa looks and smells its best. Regular cleaning also expands your couch’s longevity. 

Alongside at-home cleaning solutions, you can receive help from upholstery cleaning professionals in Tucson from Steam Smart Pro.

How Often Should You Clean Your Couch?

We use our couches daily and typically don’t realize they need a good cleaning unless we start smelling a foul odor or spill some coffee. However, lifting the cushions tells a different story. 

While some families might only eat at the dinner table, it’s common to grab a bag of chips or popcorn and chow down while binging a new series on Netflix.

Unfortunately, while convenient and cozy, crumbs fall into your couch’s abyss. 

Additionally, many families have pets that like to shed, and even taking a quick nap on your couch allows dead skin cells to accumulate. 

Homeowners should aim to vacuum their couches every two weeks. This couch cleaning routine means you’ll probably only need to do a deep clean once a year. Of course, clean your sofa more often if it sees a lot of activity. 

What to Know About Deep Cleaning Your Couch

When cleaning your couch, it’s important to remember that every couch comes with care instructions. Your couch’s upholstery tag contains these instructions, and decoding them is fairly straightforward:

  • W indicates that you should only use water-based detergents. 
  • S means your couch requires solvent-based cleaners. 
  • S/W means you can use both water-based detergents and solvent-based cleaners. 
  • X means you should only vacuum your couch. However, upholstery professionals know how to clean these couches further.

Remove Stains as Soon as Possible

Sometimes stains go unnoticed and become stubborn, requiring strong cleaners and extra elbow grease to remove. 

Stains quickly seep into your couch’s fibers, and even a small spill can become a sore sight when guests visit. The sooner you spot stains, the better your chance of eliminating them. First, ensure you’re only using approved cleaners and cleaning methods. 

Along with reading your couch’s care instructions, test the cleaner on a small area of your couch to ensure it causes no damage. 

Basic Cleaning Steps

While each couch requires different types of cleaners and cleaning methods, a basic routine exists for most sofas. Apply these summer cleaning tips to virtually any couch: 

1. Remove Dirt

Start by loosening and removing dirt. A vacuum with a bristle brush attached works wonders and will loosen debris like dirt, crumbs, pet hair, etc.

Next, get deep into the couch’s crevices and corners as debris mostly accumulate in these areas.

Finally, if stubborn hair sticks to the couch, use a lint roller. 

2. Carefully Clean Any Metal or Wooden Areas

Your couch may feature metal or wood on its legs and other areas. For these parts, use a metal or wood cleaning solution. You can also use a simple cleaning solution of liquid dish soap and warm water. 

3. Implement a Cleaning Agent

Following your couch’s care instructions, use an approved cleaning agent to successfully clean your couch’s fabric material. 

4. Let Your Couch Fully Dry

Cleaning a couch includes giving it the necessary time to dry. You can speed up the process by using a wet vacuum to suction up any remaining debris and excess moisture. Afterward, let the dry cleaning process work its magic. 

Different Upholstery Cleaning Methods

Different couch upholstery styles require other cleaning methods. While letting professionals clean your couch is the best solution, follow these cleaning tips for minor stains and regular upkeep: 

  • Fabric upholstery: A simple mixture of warm water with soap, white vinegar, and dish detergent works wonders in removing stains. Damp any stained area using a spray bottle, blot the stain using a cloth, then let the stain air dry. 
  • Leather upholstery: Using a mixture of water and a specialized leather soap named “saddle soap,” wipe down your leather couch using a delicate cloth. If you’re spot cleaning, use a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. 
  • Synthetic upholstery: Synthetic upholstery requires the same cleaning solution as fabric upholstery. White vinegar, soap, and warm water should do the trick. Synthetic upholstery is typically easier to clean than fabric. 
  • Velvet upholstery: Velvet upholstery is harder to clean, and some stains require steam cleaning, which is better to leave to the professionals if you don’t have first-hand experience. You can also try a lint-free cloth, water, and liquid dish soap. 
  • Suede upholstery: Suede upholstery requires extra care. Using a clean cloth, absorb as much of the stain as possible, then use white vinegar or a specialty-made suede cleaner to rub the stained area delicately. 

Why You Should Call the Professionals

Whether leather or synthetic, a new couch is a sizeable investment and requires a delicate touch when cleaning. While vacuuming behind the cushions is a straightforward process, removing stubborn stains gives some couch owners a run for their money. 

This difficulty level comes in full view with delicate materials such as suede, velvet, and even leather. Whether you’re contending with a minor or several large stains, hiring professional upholstery cleaners ensures the best results. 

When you hire the team at Steam Smart Pro, you gain peace of mind knowing that we will return a fresh, new-looking couch free of stains and stubborn dirt clumps. 

Let Steam Smart Pro Help Today

Cleaning your couch during summer or any season sometimes requires a delicate touch. While most homeowners can handle vacuuming their couches every two weeks, deep cleaning or dealing with stubborn stains can be a different story. 

Learn why you need professional couch steam cleaning and other cleaning couch solutions by calling Steam Smart Pro at 520-502-7683!

Author Bio:

Eric Bullard

The owner of Steam Smart Pro in Tucson, AZ, brings over 20 years of invaluable experience in the field of carpet, tile, and air duct cleaning. With a strong dedication to quality and a deep understanding of effective cleaning techniques, Eric consistently delivers outstanding results to his satisfied residential and commercial clients.

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