Steam Smart Pro Carpet Duct & Tile Cleaning 

8 Reasons Why Dirty Air Ducts Are Not Good for Your Health

Eric Bullard • Nov 10, 2022
Air Duct Cleaning in Tucson, AZ

If you have an HVAC system, central heating, or central cooling, your system depends on ductwork to distribute climate-controlled air to the rooms of your house. Ducts require periodic maintenance to keep them clean and protect the air quality in your home.

Steam Smart Pro, specialists in air duct cleaning in Tucson, AZ, can thoroughly clean your ductwork at an affordable price. If you are still deciding whether to clean your ducts now or put off duct cleaning for another year, consider the following risks of dirty air ducts and how proper cleaning can enhance the enjoyment of your home. 

1: Dust

Dust is an unwelcome feature of every home. It includes dead skin cells and other unsanitary components. Particles of dust clog air filters and fill the air. Dusty air keeps the rooms in your home from smelling fresh, collects on furniture, and makes your rooms look drab.

Dust particles irritate the lungs, which can worsen some health conditions, such as asthma and COPD. Dust can also irritate your skin, making it dry at itchy. If you already have a skin condition such as eczema, dust can exacerbate it.

Instead of spending money on breathing treatments, doctor visits, and over-the-counter remedies, eliminate a potential cause of the problem by cleaning out your dirty air ducts.

2: Allergens

In addition to dust, pollen and other organic materials can drift into the home’s air supply. If you have dogs or cats, pet dander can float through the air and collect in the ductwork. Guests who are sensitive to any of these allergens can suffer from symptoms including:

  • Watery eyes
  • Cough
  • Congestion
  • Other respiratory issues

If you have an autoimmune disease, anything that rouses your immune system can have potentially debilitating consequences. Cleaning your dirty air ducts won't cure your allergies and autoimmune conditions, but it will remove one potential trigger for allergy symptoms.

3: Bacteria

While ductwork is usually safe, dirty air ducts can occasionally harbor potentially dangerous bacteria. Famously, in 1976, Legionnaire’s disease killed dozens of people as it spread through the air conditioning system of a hotel in Philadelphia.

HVAC systems are safer now than they were nearly fifty years ago, but the danger of bacterial infections from unsanitary ductwork persists. Guests and family members who smoke and family members with compromised immune systems, including cancer patients, are particularly at risk.

Homeowners spend more time than ever in their homes due to COVID and the rising trend of remote work and schooling. Don't let your desire to keep your family safe expose them to a different type of danger. Clean out dirty air ducts so everyone in your home can breathe fresh air.

4: Mold

Mold can grow anywhere where warmth, moisture, and a source of nutrients are present. Mold can cause symptoms similar to bacterial infection, including respiratory problems. However, mold can be difficult to eradicate once it becomes established, so it is vital to catch the spread early on.

Mold in ductwork is particularly troublesome because it spreads rapidly once it becomes airborne. If flooding or storm damage left your home with moisture damage, clean your ducts once you've removed water-damaged materials. Deny mold a hiding place and keep your home mold free in the future.

Prompt treatment of mold infestation in the ductwork or elsewhere can save you thousands of dollars on mold remediation. 

5: Fire Risk

Dirty air ducts contain dust particles and other fine particles that can be flammable when suspended in the air. The risk of fire increases if the air is hot or exposed to sparks. Even if the air within the ductwork does not become hot enough to start a fire, dust in the ductwork will facilitate the spread of fire through the HVAC system to different rooms of the house.

6: Fatigue

Reduction in indoor air quality due to dust, bacteria, mold, and other contaminants can cause fatigue. The continual activation of the immune system in response to threats from dirty air ducts requires energy and drains the body’s resources.

Allergies, skin problems, coughing, and other symptoms of dirty air ducts can keep you up at night, further worsening any health conditions you might be experiencing as a direct result of air contaminants. Enjoy restful nights and have more energy during the day by getting rid of the impurities in your dirty air ducts.

7: Inefficient Climate Control

Climate control supports optimal physical and mental health. If dust and debris clog your heating and cooling system, it will not generate sufficient airflow. Your home may experience higher-than-normal temperature fluctuations, and the heating in your home might vary in different rooms. 

Changes in room temperature make people uncomfortable and force the body to work harder to regulate its body temperature. They also strain wood, metal, and other building materials, causing them to expand and contract. Keep your home the temperature you want by maintaining your HVAC system regularly and cleaning out the air ducts.

8: Increased Heating and Cooling Costs

One rising threat to physical and psychological health is financial security. These days, with prices of nearly every commodity rising, American families face increasing pressure to make ends meet, and inefficient HVAC systems lead to higher energy bills.

Don’t spend more than necessary on your energy bills or medical expenses. Keep your HVAC system running smoothly with the help of Steam Smart Pro cleaning technicians.

Keep Your Ductwork Clean with Steam Smart Pro

Join Steam Smart Pro's many satisfied customers and breathe freely by booking an appointment with Steam Smart Pro to clean your air ducts. We clean ducts, dryer vents, carpets, rugs, tile, and grout. Our cleaning service is just what you need to enjoy your home to the fullest. 

Now that you understand the dangers of dirty air ducts, we hope you will trust Steam Smart Pro to keep your ducts free of impurities. Contact Steam Smart Pro at 520-502-7683 for a no-obligation consultation and if you want to know the costs of air duct cleaning and the benefits.

Author Bio:

Eric Bullard

The owner of Steam Smart Pro in Tucson, AZ, brings over 20 years of invaluable experience in the field of carpet, tile, and air duct cleaning. With a strong dedication to quality and a deep understanding of effective cleaning techniques, Eric consistently delivers outstanding results to his satisfied residential and commercial clients.

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