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How Does a Dryer Vent Work: Basics for Homeowners

Eric Bullard • Feb 20, 2022
Dryer Vent Cleaning Service in Tucson, AZ

Like any other appliance in your house, your clothes dryer relies on regular maintenance to continue to work efficiently. Thankfully, only part of your dryer really needs attention: the vent.

Scheduling a routine Tucson dryer vent cleaning service is vital for the health of your dryer and clothes. The team at Steam Smart Pro in Tucson, AZ, can help you protect your dryer with professional vent cleaning and maintenance services.

How does a dryer vent work? Check out the guide below for some dryer vent basics for homeowners in Tucson.

What Does a Dryer Vent Do?

The vent behind your dryer has the critical job of moving out hot air during dryer cycles to prevent condensation. This keeps the air moving and allows your dryer to run more efficiently. When you notice problems with your clothes dryer, the issue most likely has to do with the dryer vent.

How Does a Dryer Vent Work?

A clothes dryer will have a door either on its side or on the top. Near the door, you will find a lint trap that collects lint, dirt, and other debris as the machine dries your clothes. The lint trap plays a crucial role in the function of the dryer as the debris it collects could damage or clog the dryer vent.

The dryer vent sits in the back of the machine and carries the air out to prevent condensation in the drum as you dry your clothing. The vent system has a flexible 4-inch diameter tube that runs from the rear of the dryer to a nearby wall or roof vent that directs the air outside of your house.

Types of Tubes for Dryer Vents

The dryer vent tube, or duct, is the silver material that connects your dryer machine and the wall. Although all dryer ducts have the same purpose, not all dryers have the same type of tubing. Some of the most common types of dryer vent tubes include:

  • Semi-Rigid metal ducts have an accordion style that makes them easy to manipulate. Their semi-rigid metal material makes them more durable with a lesser risk of crushing, while the smooth interiors allow debris to move through quickly.
  • Aluminum foil ducts are the most common and least expensive dryer tube type. They have a flexible accordion-style with coiled metal wire, making it a flexible duct for different kinds of walls. Additionally, aluminum foil ducts are not flammable.
  • Rigid metal ducts are the only type of dryer vent tubing that you can install within a wall. They also have a smooth interior that promotes smoother airflow and allows lint and other debris to travel through easily.
  • Slim ducts or periscopes act as transition ducts that allow you to push your clothing dryer closer to the wall. However, you can't use this type of dryer vent with a wall assembly.
  • Vinyl vents consist of either vinyl or plastic, making them a fire hazard. Although they were once a popular dryer duct option, many codes today do not allow them. Most technicians will recommend against them.


Why Cleaning Your Dryer Vent Is Important

Regularly cleaning your dryer vent is essential for two main reasons:

  • Appliance efficiency
  • Personal safety

When lint and debris build up in the dryer vent, it struggles to move air from the dryer. This can lead to condensation and prevent your machine from drying your clothes. As a result, you could still have wet clothes when the dryer cycle ends, and you may even see higher utility bills.

Although efficiency is a significant reason to keep your dryer duct clean, it does not reflect the most important reason. If you severely neglect your dryer vents, you could be increasing your chances of a house fire. Dirty dryer ducts cause nearly 3,000 house fires and five deaths every year in the U.S.

Regularly cleaning your dryer vent offers a simple and inexpensive way to prevent significant problems like house fires.

How To Clean a Dryer Vent

Cleaning your dryer vent is an easy process that does not require too much of your time.

First, take out the lint trap and remove any lint or debris. Doing so after every drying cycle helps keep your machine running at high efficiency and minimizes the risk of other problems.

To clean the vent, unplug the dryer from your electrical receptacle and detach the vent. Then, use a long-nosed vacuum to suck out debris and clean the tube.

If you still see dirt along the duct's interior after vacuuming, consider getting a new vent. Getting a new, clean duct makes a significantly safer alternative to using a dirty or semi-dirty vent. Thankfully, dryer vents only cost between $10 and $20.

Dryer Vent Troubleshooting

Unfortunately, you can't always prevent dryer vent problems, even with regular cleaning. Consider these common dryer vent problems and troubleshooting solutions.

The Duct Detaches From the Dryer

If you notice that your laundry room feels humid with a strong laundry detergent smell, you may have a detached dryer duct. This can happen when the weight of lint or debris is too heavy, and the air pressure in the tube becomes unbalanced.

To restore your dryer vent, clean it out with a vacuum and reattach it to the dryer using new plastic clips or a spring.

The Dryer Duct Has Holes in It

Aluminum foil ducts are extremely easy to puncture. If the damage is minimal, you can use aluminum foil tape to patch the tubing holes. However, you must only use aluminum foil tape as others can worsen the damage.

If the damage is too severe or the duct has too many holes, replace it with a new one.

Keeping your dryer vent and air ducts clean is essential to protect your home's indoor air and overall safety. If there are signs you need an air duct cleaning, call Steam Smart Pro for a professional and fast service.

How does a dryer vent work? Steam Smart Pro can answer all your questions and help you improve the efficiency of your dryer. Call (520) 416-4308 to schedule a service in Tucson, AZ.

Author Bio:

Eric Bullard

The owner of Steam Smart Pro in Tucson, AZ, brings over 20 years of invaluable experience in the field of carpet, tile, and air duct cleaning. With a strong dedication to quality and a deep understanding of effective cleaning techniques, Eric consistently delivers outstanding results to his satisfied residential and commercial clients.

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