Steam Smart Pro Carpet Duct & Tile Cleaning 

How to Remove Odor from Air Ducts: A Brief Guide

Eric Bullard • Feb 10, 2023
Air Duct Cleaning in Tucson, AZ

When your AC kicks on, and a foul smell fills your house, you know the problem originates in your air ducts. Many homeowners who discover foul odors from their vents may wonder what actions to take to remove the smell. 

Learn how to remove odor from air ducts in your home and when it’s time to call for professional air duct cleaning in Tucson, AZ.

Why Do My Air Ducts Smell So Bad?

The first step in dealing with unpleasant smells in your home is to determine what causes them. Reasons you may have foul odors coming from your air vents include:

Plumbing Leaks

If you have leaking water or sewer pipes, they may have caused damage to the exterior of your air ducts. Both types of water can find their way into your air ducts and cause more problems than a bad smell. Sewage contains bacteria that can make you severely ill, but even clean water introduces issues into your air ducts.

Mold or Mildew Colonies

Whether the water comes from leaky plumbing, condensation, or another source, mold and mildew thrive in warm, wet air ducts. As these colonies grow, they can cause musty odors throughout your home and worsen the symptoms of respiratory disorders and allergies. If left unchecked, mold and mildew could spread throughout your home, so catching these fungi before they spread is crucial to keep your home clean, safe, and free of unpleasant smells.

Animal or Insect Infestations

While mostly seen during the winter, animals or insects can try to make a home out of your air ducts at any time of the year. You may not hear or see them, but they can build nests, leave droppings, and reproduce in your ducts and walls. Many of these pests can carry diseases, creating the potential for illnesses and other discomforts inside your home, in addition to foul odors from air ducts.

Air Conditioner Mechanical Malfunctions

Regardless of how often you service your HVAC system, the air conditioner may suffer from mechanical malfunctions. Your system may have dirty evaporator coils, a failed blower mechanism, or other mechanical problems. While only a certified HVAC specialist should handle AC repairs or part replacements, you can try other maneuvers to fix foul odors yourself.

How to Stop Foul Odors in My Air Ducts

If you’re wondering how to remove odor from air ducts, you can try these methods before reaching out to a professional HVAC service for a thorough duct cleaning.

1. Clean Your Vent Covers

Over time, your air vents collect dust, debris, and bacteria from the air. You have two types of vents in your home:

  • Supply vents, which push temperature-controlled air into your home
  • Return vents, which draw in air from the room and transfer it back to the HVAC unit

Since the supply vents push air into your home, you want to thoroughly clean the vent covers to remove any dirt that could cause musty odors. Remove the vent cover and use a vacuum to clean all dust off of the front and back of your vent covers. Using warm water and dish soap, wash each one thoroughly to remove any grime or gunk build-up.

Before replacing your vents, vacuum the air duct behind each one. Place your vent covers back on and see if that helps the smell.

2. Change Your Air Filter

While you should change your air filter regularly, sometimes everyone forgets about this simple home task. Air filters collect everything from dust to pet hair, making it easy for a forgotten exchange to create smelly odors in your home. While changing it out, you can take that time to clean that vent cover as a way to reduce any foul odors.

After replacing your air filter, turn your HVAC back on and see if the smell dies down. 

3. Call a Professional to Clean Your Ducts

If cleaning your air vents and changing your air filter didn’t solve the foul odors, a professional HVAC service can help. With potential problems ranging from mold to pest infestation, an expert technician will know how to find the source of the problem and eradicate it safely. If the problem lies in your HVAC system’s mechanics, a service technician can troubleshoot the issue and repair or replace the necessary parts.

How Do Professionals Clean Air Ducts?

Professional air duct cleaning is the best way to resolve odors from air ducts. Most air duct cleanings follow a proven formula to get the job done with steps including:

  1. Inspection: Your technician will perform a duct inspection, ensuring that your ductwork has no large debris or animals inside and that the ducts show no sign of holes or potential damage.
  2. Dust and Debris Removal: They’ll use a specialized vacuum to gently suck air from your vents, collecting any dust and debris kicked up during the rest of the cleaning process.
  3. Thorough Duct Cleaning: Your technician will use a combination of professional-grade vacuum cleaners, air compressors, and rotating scrub brushes to thoroughly clean your air ducts. 

Benefits of Professional Air Duct Cleaning

Besides removing the odors from your home, many HVAC technicians take the time to clean your condenser coils, evaporator coils, and other parts of your HVAC system during their visit. While this step can also help keep foul odors to a minimum, clean HVAC systems and ductworks allow your system to work with better efficiency, saving you money on your energy bill. In addition, you’ll enjoy a healthier HVAC unit that lasts for many more years.

Enjoy Odorless Air Ducts with Professional Air Duct Cleaning by Steam Smart Pro

When your air vents blow smelly air, many homeowners search for “How to remove odor from air ducts” and “when is air duct cleaning necessary.” If your home stinks every time the HVAC kicks on, an air duct cleaning can solve that problem. Call Steam Smart Pro at (520) 416-4308 for professional air duct cleaning in Tucson, AZ.

Author Bio:

Eric Bullard

The owner of Steam Smart Pro in Tucson, AZ, brings over 20 years of invaluable experience in the field of carpet, tile, and air duct cleaning. With a strong dedication to quality and a deep understanding of effective cleaning techniques, Eric consistently delivers outstanding results to his satisfied residential and commercial clients.

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