Steam Smart Pro Carpet Duct & Tile Cleaning 

Is Professional Carpet Cleaning Worth It?

Eric Bullard • Jun 07, 2022
Carpet Cleaning Experts in Green Valley

Even when being careful, stains, dirt, and dust settle into your home carpets. A carpet will wear down faster without proper maintenance like any other household object. Still, cleaning your carpet may seem daunting, especially without the right equipment.

So then, is professional carpet cleaning worth it? The pros of having your carpet cleaned outweigh the cons. As  Green Valley's carpet cleaning experts, we know which tools and cleaning solutions are best for your job.

Whether keeping up your household cleaning or tackling deep-set stains, a professional carpet cleaning is usually worth it.

The Hazards of a Dirty Carpet

Not cleaning your carpet or allowing it to stay dirty creates several problems that hinder you from enjoying your home. Some of the issues that crop up include:

  • bacteria growth
  • mold development
  • health issues
  • lingering smells
  • increased wear and tear
  • replacement costs
  • warranty invalidation

Because we naturally shed our skin and hair, the bacteria from those particles land in our carpets. We also leave food crumbs, anything we stepped in, and any pollen clinging to our clothes. Then, pets leave their messes, from restroom accidents to rubbing across the carpet to leave their scent.

A dirty carpet, especially wet stains, becomes a perfect breeding ground for bacteria and mold. Then, each time you step on it, you release that built-up bacteria back into the air. If you allow these harmful pollutants to build up, you and your family can suffer from respiratory issues.

Along with breathing problems, the bacteria smells terrible. This smell then seeps into your clothes and other cloth items in your house, clinging to them. Your home will start to stink without proper cleaning.

Not cleaning the carpets also wears them down. While they can usually last from 5 to 15 years, a dirty carpet can wear down in as little as 2 to 3 years. The cost of replacing carpets is not cheap, especially for larger rooms with more foot traffic.

If you think your warranty may cover the replacement, leaving your carpets dirty may invalidate your warranty. Most carpet warranties require proof that you have maintained its cleanliness to the best of your ability based on the care guides that they have provided. The dirty carpet proves that you did not establish proper carpet care, and you have broken your warranty.

How Often Your Carpet Needs Cleaning

While there is no set time frame in which you should clean your carpet, it is common to vacuum it at least once a week. Vacuuming is the easiest way to clean your carpets and maintain their longevity. A good quality vacuum will help suck up dirt, grime, and bacteria.

Consider vacuuming like brushing your teeth and a deep professional clean like going to the dentist. While vacuuming helps with weekly maintenance, a deeper clean will pull up deep-set grime and stains. You should have a professional carpet cleaner visit and clean your carpets every 6 to 18 months.

You could try renting a deep cleaner and doing it yourself, but you take liability for the equipment and any carpet damage that may occur. Rental machines may overwet your carpet, requiring longer drying time, sometimes up to an entire day or longer. It may also lack the right amount of suction power, leaving behind dirt, cleaning solution, and murky water. You would end up worse off than you started.

Professionals Have the Equipment To Clean Carpets

The equipment and cleaning solutions professionals have is part of what makes professional carpet cleaning worth it. Our cleaning units are heavy-duty with a lot of suction power to ensure we remove all the dirty water. It also helps the carpets dry faster than it would for a rental machine.

Some professional carpet cleaners also have specially made chemical mixes that produce the best results for their cleaning methods. For example, we use environmentally-safe products that do the same job as conventional products. If you tried a rental cleaner, you would likely be stuck with more of their generic cleaning solutions.

Some cleaning units are heavy, and you would experience many complications trying to bring them home. However, professionals have trucks and carriers specifically meant to lift and move our equipment. Instead of having you do the heavy lifting, cleaning, and dealing with the return process, you can call on a carpet cleaner to do it for you.

Professionals Have the Knowledge To Clean Carpets

Several tips and tricks exist to ensure you can pick up certain stains from your carpets, from wine to candle wax. While they are most useful for single incidences, a professional deep clean covers your entire carpet. Moreover, a professional knows those tricks and more.

A carpet cleaner should take the time to find and start the cleaning process on the deepest stains. They use different solutions for different spots, also ensuring carpet damage does not occur. They know the chemical reactions necessary to lift stains, cleaning everything from pet messes to grease in a single session.

Each cleaner will have their preferred cleaning methods for the overall job. Some, like us, may prefer a steam cleaning to flush the carpet with hot water. The water and solutions dig deep to flush out bacteria, mold, and other stains. Others may prefer a dry carpet cleaning method that can be effective.

Regardless, the dedicated care a professional carpet cleaner provides ensures better quality service and cleanliness for your home.

Who To Call To Clean Your Carpet

So is professional carpet cleaning worth it? Steam Smart Pro makes a professional carpet cleaning in Green Valley worth the time and cost. Our three-step carpet cleaning process tackles the tough, set-in stains and deep cleans them to freshness. The  duration of carpet cleaning may vary by the job, but the results are clean carpets that will make you proud.

We serve the community in and around Green Valley, AZ. Call today at 520-397-3770 or fill out our  online form for your free carpet cleaning quote. Let us knock out those stains while you relax.

Author Bio:

Eric Bullard

The owner of Steam Smart Pro in Tucson, AZ, brings over 20 years of invaluable experience in the field of carpet, tile, and air duct cleaning. With a strong dedication to quality and a deep understanding of effective cleaning techniques, Eric consistently delivers outstanding results to his satisfied residential and commercial clients.

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