Steam Smart Pro Carpet Duct & Tile Cleaning 

How Do You Remove Ingrained Dirt From Floor Tiles?

Eric Bullard • May 20, 2023

We're the number-one floor-cleaning team in Tucson. Call Steam Smart Pro at (520) 416-4308 today.

If you have tiled flooring, you know the beauty they add to your house. However, they also attract dirt, and people find cleaning them difficult. So how do you remove ingrained dirt from floor tiles?

Removing ingrained dirt from tile is often a complicated task that requires professional help. Contact our team at Steam Smart Pro for the best professional tile cleaning in Tucson, AZ

DIY Cleaning Risks

Without proper knowledge or experience, you might risk the following when you DIY your tile cleaning.

Damaging Your Tiles

Using the wrong cleaning products on the wrong tile can erode or stain your tiles. Improperly cleaning them can also cause buildup and leave them slippery. You also risk damaging your tiles in the following ways:

  • Dropping something heavy on them 
  • Scratching your tiles with a coarse brush
  • Wearing the wrong footwear can scratch your tile.

Inhaling Harmful Chemicals

Common house cleaning chemicals are hazardous when you mix them incorrectly. Ammonia and bleach are powerful cleaners when you use them alone. However, when you mix them together, they create deadly chlorine gas.

Never mix chemicals together. A professional floor cleaner knows which chemicals are safe to use and mix.

Wasting Time, Money, or Materials

You might not clean your tile right the first time. While you might consider this a learning opportunity, you could have used that time, money, and materials elsewhere.

Protect your time and money and call a professional to clean your tiles.

Identify the Flooring

Tiles come in a variety of different materials, and each type of flooring needs a different cleaner and method. The type of grout between your tiles also plays a factor.


If you have ceramic tile, you're in luck! It's one of the most durable and stain-resistant tiles. However, it still absorbs water through the sides and back.


While durable, marble contains more pores than most other tiles. Improper cleaning leaves your marble tiles lacking luster and shine. Marble is also susceptible to anything acidic and needs a gentle cleaning solution.

Limestone and Travertine

Limestone and travertine are fragile and highly susceptible to scratching and harsh cleaners. Cleaning limestone requires a ph-neutral solution.


Sandstone is naturally durable and easy to replace. However, its porous nature means it stains easily and retains water.


Granite is more durable than marble and easier to clean. If you have granite tiles, you've made regular cleaning easy!


Though durable, you may have a difficult time cleaning slate. It stains easily, so you need to choose the right type of cleaner to avoid further damage.

Choose the Right Cleaner

The type of dirt and grime ingrained in your grout determines the best cleaner.

Chemical Cleaners

Many people favor chemical-based cleaners, especially if they're conscientious about sanitary conditions. Bleach is one of the most common household cleaners.

Chemical cleaners have clear advantages; however, they are also the most dangerous. If you use them incorrectly, they can damage your tile and your health.

Certain types of dirt require chemical cleaners for removal, but only a professional can use these materials safely.

Natural Cleaners

Natural cleaners like vinegar, baking soda, or hydrogen peroxide provide exceptional cleaning power with little or no threat to your health. Depending on the type of tile, grout, and dirt, natural cleaners are a great solution!

Dry Cleaners

Dry cleaning solutions work best for stains that haven't settled yet. Heat is a powerful cleansing force, and you can fix some scuffs with an eraser or polishing cloth. 

Choose the Right Tools

How do you remove ingrained dirt from floor tiles? The key is selecting the right cleaning tools. At Steam Smart Pro, our specialized truck can handle any dirt on your tile.

We specialize in steam treating with commercial strength cleaners. In some cases, your tile can handle a brush or harsher cleaning materials, but only a professional can safely make that call.

Deep Clean the Floor

Once we know the details of the problem, it's time for a deeper cleaning. The cleaning process follows the same routine every time.

1. Pre-Clean the Tile

Use a soft brush and a gentle vacuum to clear away any loose dirt and debris. Anything left needs the special attention of a deep clean. Even with gentle tools, you can still damage your tile.

2. Clean the Grout

Grout's porous nature means it attracts and retains dirt and stains. Other than a professional cleaning to remove dirt, you need to regularly clean grout to avoid buildup and discoloration.

To maintain your grout, use vinegar and hot water or baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. Apply the solution to a toothbrush or smooth cloth and gently scrub the grout lines. Rinse with water.

3. Remove Stains

Treat the stain with the best cleaning solution for the job. While Steam Smart Pro uses its own special blend of cleaners, other popular options include:

  • Hydrogen peroxide for coffee, tea, fruit juice, or wine
  • Carbonated water for grease
  • Peroxide or another oxygen-powered cleaner for ink and permanent marker
  • A 1:10 ratio of bleach and hot water for blood stains
  • Paint thinner to remove tar, wax, or gum
  • Vinegar for hard water stains

Remember, even if you use the right cleaner, you still risk damaging your tile. So be careful when cleaning ingrained dirt.

4. Mop

Sponge-based mops risk spreading the newly cleaned stain onto the grout. Steamers work well with most tile floors but pose a risk to certain types of stone. A professional cleaner knows the nuances concerning how to mop.

5. Dry

Drying the tile immediately prevents slipping, water spots, and cracked grout.

Call Steam Smart Pro for All Your Floor Cleaning Needs

How do you remove ingrained dirt from floor tiles? The process is complicated, so call a professional for support!

Whether it's cleaning marble tile or spot-treating your carpet, Steam Smart Pro is here to clean all your flooring. Call us at 520-416-4308 to speak with a representative today.

Author Bio:

Eric Bullard

The owner of Steam Smart Pro in Tucson, AZ, brings over 20 years of invaluable experience in the field of carpet, tile, and air duct cleaning. With a strong dedication to quality and a deep understanding of effective cleaning techniques, Eric consistently delivers outstanding results to his satisfied residential and commercial clients.

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