Steam Smart Pro Carpet Duct & Tile Cleaning 

What Causes Water Damage in Attic?

Eric Bullard • Dec 20, 2022
Water Damage Restoration in Tucson, AZ

Do you have water damage in your attic? Call Steam Smart Pro at (520) 416-4308 for professional water damage restoration.

Water stains on your ceiling often suggest a roof leak—but not always. Many homeowners are puzzled to discover that they don't have a roof leak while evaluating water damage in the attic.

The location, nature, and composition of your attic can mean many possible causes of water damage. As Tucson's water damage restoration professionals, we've seen all the possible causes. Below, we'll go through each with you.

Top Causes of Water Damage in the Attic

Below are some top causes of water damage in the attic:

Ice Dams

Ice dams keep melting water from flowing away from your roof. In that scenario, the water will follow the easiest path of resistance, ending up inside your house. It will enter the attic from behind the gutters and underneath your shingles.

Clogged Gutters

Clogged gutters also encourage water buildup and backflow into your attic. Keeping the gutters clean is the best way to ensure nothing obstructs the flow of rainwater away from your property. If your property is underneath trees, install gutter guards to keep dead leaves and twigs off your gutters.

Leaking Plumbing Pipes

Leaking plumbing pipes can cause significant water damage in the attic. Condensation in the pipework can also contribute to damage. This type of water damage is hard to spot because unless the leak source is obvious, you may look in the wrong places for a long time.

The surest way to rule out pipe leaks as the cause of water damage in your attic is to order a professional attic inspection.


In homes with poor insulation and ventilation, moisture can get trapped inside your home, leading to the buildup of condensation in the attic. Homes with serious condensation problems may experience attic water damage.

If you suspect condensation is behind the attic water damage you're experiencing in your home, invite a professional to evaluate your home's ventilation. You should also ensure you're not encouraging condensation in your home with your lifestyle.

Some of the habits that may promote condensation include:

  • Improper use of the clothes dryer. Check that your clothes dryer vents to the outdoors instead of the attic.
  • Use of semi-dry firewood. If you use firewood with high moisture content, the excessive moisture will make its way into your attic as the wood burns.
  • Unnecessary use of humidifiers. If you live in a properly insulated home, using humidifiers will produce excess moisture and potentially worsen condensation.
  • Unvented heaters. If you use gas space heaters in your home, be sure to use one vented to the outdoors. Otherwise, you should open a window while using the heater to allow any moisture to escape outside.

Loose Siding

During heavy rains with high winds, water can enter your attic through loose siding and gaps around the attic windows. Use caulk to plug such gaps and replace damaged siding to prevent attic leaks.

Roof Leaks

We started this article by telling you that roof leaks are not the only reasons for water damage in the attic. Still, they remain one of the most common causes.

Neglected or worn roofs will continue to deteriorate until they fail to protect your home from the elements. Sometimes, minor leaks can go undetected for a long time before escalating into major damage.

Fortunately, it's easy to prevent roof leaks and avoid attic water damage. You can achieve these goals by scheduling routine roof maintenance. A reputable roofing company will inspect your shingles and flashing for damage and recommend repairs where necessary.

You should also trim trees around the roof to remove dead or weak branches. These branches will come tumbling down during storms, causing damage that can trigger leaks and worsen existing leaks.

Poor Attic Insulation

Without insulating the attic floors, warm air will rise into the attic space from the floors below. You need thick, soft, and dry insulation to ensure proper temperature control inside your attic.

Is your existing insulation wet? Replace it immediately with fiberglass insulation. The material isn't impervious to water but can withstand moisture better than other options.

Malfunctioning Appliances

The attic is a fantastic location to house appliances like air conditioners, swamp coolers, and water heaters. Installing these appliances up there frees up valuable real estate in living quarters. The appliances will also be out of sight, and you won't have to deal with the noise from some of them (no matter how low).

However, any malfunction in these appliances can lead to water damage in the attic. The effects of the water damage will spread downward throughout the house. So, it's important to schedule regular inspections to ensure the appliances are working as well as they should.

What Happens When You Ignore Water Leaks in the Attic?

Ignoring water damage in the attic can lead to structural and health-related concerns. First, mold and mildew thrive in damp and dark spaces like the attic. If you allow them to take root, they will spread quickly, weakening the structure around the affected area and causing allergic reactions and respiratory problems.

Secondly, water damage can cause decay in the flooring and walls around the affected area. Your attic floor falling into the floor below can cause substantial property damage and potentially fatal injury to anyone in those spaces.

Do You Have Water Damage in the Attic? Call the Pros for Fast Restoration

The effects of water damage in the attic can be far-reaching. Call the Steam Smart Pro team once you spot signs of water damage in this area. We'll inspect the damage, remove any puddles and soaked insulation materials, and dry the space before sanitizing it to prevent mold and mildew growth.

We also offer guidance on what to do to prevent future leaks. Call Smart Steam Pro at (520) 416-4308 to schedule a consultation for water damage restoration in Tucson, AZ. Let us help you avoid the dangers of untreated water damage.

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