Steam Smart Pro Carpet Duct & Tile Cleaning 

What Happens if Your Dryer Vent Is Clogged: Dangers You Should Know

Eric Bullard • Mar 12, 2022
Dryer Vent Cleaning from Steam Smart Pro

You probably heard at some point that you need to keep your clothes dryer’s lint trap clean since clogs can lead to a devastating house fire. However, many people haven’t heard that keeping a dryer vent clean proves just as important as a clean lint trap.

If your dryer vent becomes clogged, it can lead to several minor and significant adverse effects that many people don’t even know can happen. Below, we will examine these effects, how to identify a clogged dryer vent before it leads to major problems, and how to have your dryer vent professionally cleaned.

Dangers of Clogged Dryer Vents

Though clogged dryer vents might not sound serious, they can have detrimental effects ranging from financial losses, sickness, and severe injury for the following reasons:

Pest Infestation

One sneaky danger of dirty dryer vents is that they provide rodents and pests a gateway into your home.

A significant enough lint buildup will push your outside laundry flap open and give bugs and small animals an unobstructed path to your house. And once inside the vent, those pests can build a home that’s difficult to reach.

High Dryer Wear and Tear With Minimal Results

Dryer vents are essential tools that push damp air out of the machine so that the dryer can warm your clothes. So when the dryer vent becomes clogged, the dryer won’t have anywhere to send that air, and your clothes will remain wet as a result.

Not only will this make your dryer essentially ineffective, but it will also force the machine to overheat since it can’t release any air, leading to significant wear and tear in a short span.

Skyrocketing Utility Bills

An ineffective dryer creates more annoyances than just damp clothes. Your utility bills will also shoot up when you run your dryer for two or three cycles simply to dry one load of laundry.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Gas clothes dryers will generate small amounts of carbon monoxide through the combustion in the dryer exhaust. That carbon monoxide typically isn’t an issue with a clean dryer to filter the harmful gas out. However, with a clogged dryer vent, the gas won’t have anywhere to escape and will build up in your home.

Enough carbon monoxide exposure will lead to severe illness or even death in some cases.

House Fires

Dryer vents give the hot air produced by your dryer a place to escape. But with a big enough clog, that air will be unable to get out, causing the heating element to overwork and ignite in cases of complete blockage.

Nearly 5% of house fires in the United States begin in the laundry room, and over 33% of those fires came because of an unclean dryer vent. And if a big enough fire ignites, it will lead to significant property damage and injury, sometimes even proving fatal.

Common Warning Signs That Your Dryer Vent Is Clogged

Dryer vent cleaning in Tucson by Steam Smart Pro is the most effective way to keep the dangers of a clogged dryer vent out of your home. However, you may not always find it easy to know precisely when you have a clog or blockage.

Let’s review a few unmistakable warning signs that your dryer vent is clogged and overdue for a cleaning.

Clothes Aren’t Drying Properly

One of the biggest dangers of a clogged dryer vent also reveals one of the most evident warning signs of blockage. If it takes longer than usual to dry your laundry, it’s likely because you have a blocked dryer vent, and it can’t release the necessary air.

Lint Buildup in the Outside Dryer Flap

If lint or debris is visible from the dryer duct or outside dryer flap, you have a clear sign that your dryer vent is clogged. Of course, any lint in the vent can lead to the dangers listed above. However, a vent overflowing with debris becomes especially hazardous.

Burning Odor While Dryer Is Running

A burning smell while you use your dryer typically means that the dust and debris in the dryer vent are catching fire from the hot air that can’t escape.

Lint, a highly flammable substance, doesn’t need much exposure to hot air to catch on fire and spark a serious problem. If you smell smoke or burning while your dryer is running, turn it off immediately and call for help regardless of how faint the odor is.

Clothes Hotter Than Normal After Drying

Of course, you should expect your clothes to be warm directly after drying them. However, if they are painful to touch or considerably hotter than normal, it might be a sign that your dryer vent is clogged.

Remember, the dryer vent allows hot air to escape. So if the vent becomes clogged and hot air can’t get out, your clothes will overheat.

What To Do if Your Dryer Vent Is Clogged

You should clean your dryer vent at least once a year, regardless of whether or not you notice any of the warning signs. Some homeowners consider this a DIY project, using a vacuum cleaner or leaf blower. However, we do not recommend this. Instead, a professional cleaning service will ensure you and your home stay safe from the dangers that a clogged dryer vent can cause.

However, if you haven’t maintained your dryer and the dryer vent is clogged, it’s not too late to avoid the risks. With dryer vent cleaning from Steam Smart Pro in Tucson, AZ, you can ensure your dryer remains safe to use consistently for an entire year.

Our team will clean the entire vent with professional and high-strength tools. With that equipment and our years of cleaning expertise combined, we will eliminate every fiber of lint from the vent so that you can live healthily and with peace of mind.

Steam Smart Pro is your top-rated carpet and dryer vent cleaning expert in Tucson, AZ. Call our team today at (520) 462-1183 if your dryer vent is clogged, or click here to learn the signs you need an air duct cleaning before a clog can wreak havoc on your home.

Author Bio:

Eric Bullard

The owner of Steam Smart Pro in Tucson, AZ, brings over 20 years of invaluable experience in the field of carpet, tile, and air duct cleaning. With a strong dedication to quality and a deep understanding of effective cleaning techniques, Eric consistently delivers outstanding results to his satisfied residential and commercial clients.

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