Steam Smart Pro Carpet Duct & Tile Cleaning 

Best Ways to Remove Ink from Carpet

Eric Bullard • Mar 12, 2022
Foothhills Carpet Cleaning from Steam Smart Pro

As beautiful and comfortable as carpet is, it can also be a magnet for accidental spills and unwanted stains. Learn some of the tricks and tips cleaning pros use to remove ink from carpet below.

You can also hire Foothills carpet cleaning services from Steam Smart Pro to professionally clean your carpets with zero hassle. We have the expertise to clean even the most stubborn of ink stains.

Why Is Ink Difficult to Remove?

There are many kinds of inks that we encounter every day. Each type of ink contains a different combination of pigments, dyes, lubricants, and binding chemicals that influence its strength and longevity. While ink durability is helpful on paper, it's not as helpful when the ink spills on carpeting.

Acting quickly to remove ink will help you keep your carpet looking cleaner. The length of time that the ink sits in the carpet also makes a significant difference in the level of staining. The longer the ink lingers in the carpet, the more it will dry and bond with the fibers.

It doesn't help that some carpet fibers may absorb more than others, and some homeowners might not opt for the additional stain blockers available on the market. Untreated carpets can quickly soak up intense pigments that are more stubborn than commonly accessible carpet cleaners.

If you encounter a stain that simply won’t budge, you should call your local carpet cleaning company to try industrial-strength products and professionally-tested techniques.

Supplies You Will Need to Remove Ink

When you spill ink or find an ink stain in your carpeting, you will need to gather a few items to help you tackle the problem. The following list consists of everyday household items and includes:

  • A bowl or small container of warm water
  • A roll of paper towels or clean absorbent cloth
  • A toothbrush or dry brush
  • A dropper
  • A wet/dry vacuum
  • Gentle dish soap - ideal for most carpets and water-based inks
  • Oil-free hairspray - suitable for natural fibers and ballpoint inks
  • Rubbing alcohol or denatured alcohol (keep away from children and pets) - useful for most carpets and permanent inks

Water-based ink, ballpoint ink, and permanent ink stains will typically need different cleaning products to combat the pigments in each type of ink effectively. Of course, professional quality products are often far more effective; however, these simple solutions can help make the stain less noticeable.

You will need to test each product you want to use on an area of carpet that is out of sight to ensure it won’t damage or discolor the carpet fibers. This simple test will save you a lot of trouble and frustration if the product is incompatible with your carpeting for any reason.

Follow These Steps to Remove Ink from Carpet

These steps for how to remove ink from carpet are general tips and may not be ideal for every type of carpet on the market today. If you are unsure about using any carpet cleaner solution on your carpet, call your local carpet cleaning experts for knowledgeable stain removal services.

Step 1:  Gently Blotting the Stain

If the ink stain is very fresh, you may be able to blot the unabsorbed fluid from the carpet's surface gently. You will need to be cautious not to blot too firmly, or the action will push the ink further into the fibers.

Grab your roll of paper towels or a dry cloth and lightly tap the ink puddle. Continue using a different, clean spot on the cloth until the color stops transferring. Try to avoid smearing or smudging the ink, or the stain might spread.

If you notice that the ink isn't coming off of the carpet, this means the ink is dry and will need to soak to help it release more easily.

Step 2: Soaking the Stain with Cleaner

Depending on the carpet material, you will need to choose the appropriate carpet cleaner and apply it to the ink stain. You should be careful because some cleaners can quickly soak into the padding beneath the carpet, while other cleaners will evaporate fast.

If available, you can use a dropper to control the amount and minimize the chance of oversoaking the area.

Soaking the underpadding can encourage mildew or mold growth, releasing a musty scent over time. If you accidentally drop too much soapy water on your carpet, you can use the wet/dry vacuum to remove most moisture and prevent mildew from growing.

Allow the solution you choose to sit for about two or three minutes before blotting the area again. If using rubbing alcohol, denatured alcohol, or hairspray, continue spraying and blotting until the stain fades. Brush and vacuum any remaining hairspray residue upon completion.

Step 3: Carefully Scrubbing Stubborn Ink Stains

You can repeat the spot soaking as necessary while scrubbing the stain carefully. If you notice that the solution isn't reaching the deeper fibers, you can use a toothbrush to push the product further into the carpet gently. Again, avoid using too much force or smearing the ink.

Step 4: Using the Wet/Dry Vacuum

If the ink stain still lingers after repeating the steps above, you can use a wet/dry vacuum to help pull the color out. Using this type of vacuum makes the stain removal process much faster. Be sure to follow your machine's instructions and use manufacturer-approved products only.

Book a Professional Carpet Cleaning Appointment

Now that you know how to remove ink from carpet, you can learn how to remove common carpet stains like coffee and wine too. If the simple household solutions aren’t working, it’s time to call in the professionals to tackle those tough stains.

If you’re facing a stubborn stain of any kind that just won’t go away, give Steam Smart Pro a call at 520-397-3770 for professional carpet cleaning services. We are proud to serve Foothills, AZ, and the surrounding communities. Ask about our current discounts and specials to save money.

Author Bio:

Eric Bullard

The owner of Steam Smart Pro in Tucson, AZ, brings over 20 years of invaluable experience in the field of carpet, tile, and air duct cleaning. With a strong dedication to quality and a deep understanding of effective cleaning techniques, Eric consistently delivers outstanding results to his satisfied residential and commercial clients.

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