Steam Smart Pro Carpet Duct & Tile Cleaning 

How To Get Smell Out of Carpet: Best Methods

Eric Bullard • Apr 10, 2022
Trusted Carpet Cleaners - Steam Smart Pro

Get Ready for Clean Carpets

Sick and tired of dirty carpets and wondering how to get the smell out of carpets? It’s time to ditch old, smelly carpets for fresh carpets. But we have good news as you will find many methods to clean your carpets. Whether you try a home remedy or opt to hire carpet cleaners for deep cleaning, you’re sure to have carpets that are better than before.

For the best quality deep clean, consider Vail’s trusted carpet cleaners at Steam Smart Pro. Their team of carpet cleaners prioritizes your family’s cleanliness, so you rest easy knowing your floors are as clean as possible.

The Dangers of Dirty Carpeting

While a dirty carpet may not seem like a cause for concern, that is not the case. Unfortunately, dirty carpets can prove unhealthy for you and your family. Unclean carpets wreak havoc on those who suffer from allergies, sinus problems, rhinitis, and asthma.

Since your carpet tends to trap dirt into the carpet fibers, it will continue to compound any kind of debris. This means your carpet harbors germs, smoke, dust, pollen, fungi, bacteria, and mildew that trigger asthma and allergy attacks.

Since most people’s carpets tend to get this dirty from constant walking, wearing shoes, everyday messes, and general wear and tear, it’s important to prioritize regular cleaning. Carpets need regular cleaning to diminish the amount of dirt, bacteria build-up, and odors.

Common Household Odors

Homeowners report common carpet odors coming from their carpets. Some of the most frequent scents include mildew, pet odors, and a sweaty smell. Read on to learn more about getting any of these smells out of your carpet.


One carpet odor commonly reported in areas like a basement is mildew. Generally, mildew gives off musty and earthy smells. Mildew odors tend to occur when excess moisture develops in a room.

The carpet fibers take in the odor when any extra water finds its way under the carpeting or near the area. Removing odors like mildew may harm your health, so don’t hesitate to get professional mold remediation help to get the smell out safely by drying the carpets.

Pet Odors

Another everyday scent that plagues old carpets is pet odors. While everyone loves their furry friends, unfortunately, they tend to leave smelly messes behind. If you had your dog as a puppy or your cat as a kitten, then it’s highly likely they had accidents from time to time.

If accidents still happen, it’s essential to soak up any pet urine quickly, so it doesn’t seep too deeply into the carpet fibers. While dog urine proves easier to clean up, sometimes cat urine leaves behind a more powerful odor.

If your carpets have been the victim of consistent pet urine, then you may want to consider a replacement. However, if carpet replacement isn’t in your current budget, you will find plenty of ways to deodorize your carpeting to minimize the dog or cat urine smell.


Let’s face it—your carpet takes every shoe and foot that walks through the door. This means you drag every single footstep, whether wearing shoes or socks, across the carpet. Not to mention, you’re likely walking around in the shoes and socks that you and your family may have worn all day.

With your feet constantly hitting the carpet, it’s common for carpeting to be sweaty and unpleasant. Usually, the good news is that it’s not the actual sweat causing the odor. Most of the time, the scent comes from the bacteria that builds up and stays on your carpet if you neglect cleaning it.

Best Home Remedies for Carpet Cleaning

Just because you have any of these common carpet odors doesn’t necessarily mean you have to hire professional carpet cleaners to get help. Let’s review some home remedies to try out that will deodorize your carpets.

Baking Soda

Baking soda offers a quick fix for deodorizing. Simply sprinkle the baking soda over the carpet and let it sit for at least 15 minutes, or you can leave it overnight. After sprinkling the baking soda, you break out the vacuum to suck it up. This should leave you with a better-smelling carpet.

White Vinegar

Another easy DIY home remedy to remove odors requires using a vinegar spray. To make a vinegar spray, just add white vinegar to a bottle with a bit of water, or add it to the cartridge attached to your carpet cleaner. White vinegar has a strong scent, and it will eventually dissipate as it works to neutralize the current smells. Make sure to pat the area dry after applying.

Sometimes home remedies combine water, vinegar, and baking soda to create a foamy mixture. Let the white vinegar and baking soda sit before patting it dry.

Spot Cleaners

A final type of home remedy includes spot cleaners. Manufacturers formulate spot cleaners for specific needs. One particular use for spot cleaners is pet urine and stains.

Generally, you spray these spot cleaners directly on the stained area to help lift it and remove any residual odors. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the bottle to avoid furthering any stains.

Hire a Professional Carpet Cleaner

Hiring a professional to clean your carpets is always a wise choice if you don’t want to attempt the methods from above. Take note that hiring a professional accomplishes all these things:

  • Extends the life of carpets
  • Deeply cleans carpet fibers
  • Rids carpet of odors and stains
  • Provides quick, efficient service
  • Fast dry times
  • Eliminates allergens

Professional carpet cleaners like Steam Smart Pro is the go-to service in the Vail area for any carpet cleaning needs. Steam Smart Pro’s services guarantee deep cleaning that extends the life of your carpets, so they’re in the best shape yet. Now, you no longer have to wonder how to get the smell out of carpet.

Plus, since they’re carpeting cleaning pros, the cleaning process dries quickly too. Drying carpets fast means getting back to normal life after cleaning instead of waiting to walk on your freshly cleaned carpets. Call Steam Smart Pro at (520) 462-1183 for carpet cleaning services today!

Author Bio:

Eric Bullard

The owner of Steam Smart Pro in Tucson, AZ, brings over 20 years of invaluable experience in the field of carpet, tile, and air duct cleaning. With a strong dedication to quality and a deep understanding of effective cleaning techniques, Eric consistently delivers outstanding results to his satisfied residential and commercial clients.

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