Steam Smart Pro Carpet Duct & Tile Cleaning 

How to Remove Candle Wax from Carpet: Step by Step Process

Eric Bullard • Mar 12, 2022
Carpet Cleaning Services in Green Valley, AZ

Whether to provide light during a power outage or provide a certain ambiance on a special occasion, candles are used from time to time in almost every home. Using candles sometimes means spilling wax onto the floor or carpet. Candle wax can be one of the most challenging stains to remove from the carpet, but it doesn’t have to be. 

For information and tips on removing difficult stains, including removing candle wax from the carpet, contact the best carpet cleaning services in Green Valley, AZ, from Steam Smart Pro.

General Stain Removal Tips

  • The sooner stain removal can begin, the easier it will be to do and the likelier you are to remove the stain altogether.
  • Test cleaning solutions on a postage-sized area of carpet that is out of sight to ensure the cleaning product will not discolor the carpet.
  • Never use chlorinated or bleaching agents as these are known to discolor carpets.
  • Work from the center of the stained area and move outward.
  • When following cleaning directions, pay attention to whether hot or cold water is required. Hot water can sometimes make it easier for a stain to spread, making it harder to clean.

Removal Process with Heat

The process of how to remove candle wax from the carpet is relatively straightforward, mainly if handled the right way. Removal is possible with products usually found in your home and, if used correctly, can leave the stained area spotless and wax-free. Before beginning, consider the type of carpet you have and the carpet material. 

Various materials make up carpets, nylon being the most common. Nylon is the most common because of its durability and resistance to wear and tear. This quality is helpful when dealing with stains that may generally be quick to set in. Some natural fibers, such as wool, are more absorbent, easier to stain, and more challenging to clean.

What You Need

  • Zippered bag of ice cubes or an ice pack
  • Clothes iron or hairdryer
  • Paper towel, terry cloth towel, or brown paper bag
  • Carpet cleaner or rubbing alcohol
  • A butter knife or other dull knife
  • Vacuum

Step 1: Freeze the Wax

Wrap the ice or ice pack with a towel or paper bag. The towel is to make sure that the wax does not get wet, and the purpose is to freeze and harden the wax quickly so that it does not spread any further into the carpet.

Step 2: Scrape the Wax

Once hardened, the wax stain is removable by scraping it off with a dull knife. Use care to ensure that you only remove wax and do not cause additional damage to the carpet fibers.

Step 3: Iron the Wax

If wax remains after scraping with a knife, using an iron on a low heat setting can help remove the rest. Start by placing a paper towel over the remaining wax. Gently iron over the paper towel for approximately 10 seconds on low heat, slightly heating the wax. The paper towel will absorb the heated wax as it loosens from the carpet fiber. Reposition the paper towel as needed and repeat until the remaining wax disappears. 

If you do not have an iron, use a hairdryer to heat the paper towel and wax. Unlike an iron designed to glide directly over a surface, do not place the hairdryer in contact with the paper towel or carpet. Instead, hold it an inch or two away. If too close, air will not flow properly through the hairdryer and create a burning smell.

Step 4: Clean the Carpet

Use any desired commercial cleaning product or rubbing alcohol to go over the previously wax-stained area and remove any dirt or debris left behind. Do so by blotting the stained area with a damp cloth until the stain is gone. Then, blot with a clean, dry cloth until the moisture is gone.

Step 5: Vacuum the Carpet

Once the previously stained area is dry, vacuum the spot with an upholstery brush attachment until any remaining debris disappears.

Removal without Heat

There are two commonly preferred methods of not using heat if you want to know how to remove candle wax from the carpet without heat.

Commercial Cleaning Products

Several commercial cleaners can help remove difficult stains, including wax. Utilize these cleaners according to the directions on the packaging. Before applying the commercial cleaners, dry the affected space thoroughly after removing the wax stain, then clean and vacuum the carpet following steps four and five above.

Vinegar and Water

In a spray bottle, dilute a quarter cup of vinegar with three-quarter cups of water. Allow the solution to sit on the wax for 30 minutes. Place a clean cloth on the stained site to absorb the stain and excess solution. Clean and vacuum the carpet following steps four and five above.

Post-Cleaning Tips

Here are some common tips for carpet care after learning how to remove candle wax from the carpet: 

  • Thoroughly rinse and remove any remaining cleaning agents.
  • If the stains reappear for any reason, some of the original stain or stain removing agents remain. Continue cleaning until completely removed.
  • If cleaning of the stain leaves your carpet looking soiled, the rug needs an overall cleaning due to everyday dirt and debris build-up.
  • The stained area should be clean and dry before applying chemicals or products, and the site should also be thoroughly cleaned and dried following stain removal. Click here to learn how to dry carpets fast.

Steam Smart Pro

Steam Smart Pro is a reliable and professional cleaning service handling more than carpets. Check our webpage for a complete list of services and locations. 

We provide the best cleaning services to beautifully clean your carpets before selling your home, as well as deep cleaning in high traffic areas of your home. Don’t let your stains set in and ruin the appearance of your beautiful carpets. We can provide you with same-day services at affordable prices and strive for 100% customer satisfaction. 

For more information on how to remove candle wax from the carpet or to schedule a cleaning appointment, contact Steam Smart Pro at (520) 462-1183 today.

Author Bio:

Eric Bullard

The owner of Steam Smart Pro in Tucson, AZ, brings over 20 years of invaluable experience in the field of carpet, tile, and air duct cleaning. With a strong dedication to quality and a deep understanding of effective cleaning techniques, Eric consistently delivers outstanding results to his satisfied residential and commercial clients.

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