Steam Smart Pro Carpet Duct & Tile Cleaning 

How Often Should You Get Your Sofa Cleaned?

Eric Bullard • May 10, 2022
Upholstery Cleaning Experts in Tucson, AZ

Setting aside the physical amount of time we spend asleep in our beds, we spend an excessive amount of time doing more on our sofas than on any other piece of furniture in the home. Unfortunately, this doesn’t often add to our regular cleaning schedule and how often we clean our couches. 


Many homeowners overlook the need for regular sofa cleaning. If you are wondering “how often should you get your sofa cleaned,” consider calling Steam Smart Pro, the upholstery cleaning experts in Tucson.

A Gathering Place

Our sofas are the focal point of family activity. Sofas are the place where:


●      Kids pile up after a long day of school

●      Parents crash after an even longer day at work

●      Dogs and cats sleep away the day

●      Friends celebrate sports games with food and snacks

●      Families snuggle up for movie nights with even more food


These activities bring tons of dirt and debris that fall into and build up under couch cushions and in sofa cracks. Unless we find ourselves searching the cushions for lost car keys or loose change, we don’t notice how much has built up and what harm it can do to the health of our family and friends, both four-legged and two. 


In addition to the dirt and debris, couches and sofas are also a breading space for dust mites and bed bugs. After all, piling up, crashing, and snuggling up on movie nights means a lot of sleeping and napping occur on our couches. 

Frequency of Cleaning

So, how often should we be cleaning our sofas? The cleaning process and how often depends on the frequency of use, type of care, material, and the number of household members, including our four-legged best friends. 

Frequency of Use

Whether from family or visitors, high-traffic homes usually mean a high volume of sitting and relaxing on the couch. 


Many households have dedicated family rooms separate from formal living rooms or even sitting rooms. It is safe to assume that the couches in family rooms take a heavier beating than those in more formal living rooms or sitting rooms.


More frequent use requires more cleaning.

Type of Care

Different households have different rules. While we don’t think about them often, some can be very particular about couch rules. These rules include not putting shoes on the couch or not eating on the sofa, formal, family, sitting, or otherwise. 


In households with kids and pets, these extra attempts to care for our couches can quickly go by the wayside and even become victims to markers, crayons, glitter, and drool-covered pet toys. Sofas under these conditions certainly require more cleaning. 

Type of Material

The frequency of cleaning can be affected by the material of your sofa. 


Couches made of fiber materials such as cotton, polyester, rayon, and more, are susceptible to staining, dirt, and debris. Families with kids and pets often purchase couches with durable fabrics and scotch guards. While these features can minimize permanent stains, they are still capable of some staining and do not prevent dirt and debris build-up. 


Couches made of more rigid materials, such as leather, acrylic, and other plastic blends, are less likely to allow dirt or stains to adhere to the surface. Although the material is more durable, dirt and debris still gather where we secretly hide our keys and store our pocket change. 

Number of Family Members

The more active family members and pets we have in the home, the dirtier our couches are likely to be. Sofas tend not to last as long or remain as good a condition in younger households as in older ones with far fewer children and pets. More family usually means more use, which equates to more cleaning. 

Regularly Scheduled Cleaning

How often should you get your sofa cleaned? 


Recommendations are that regular cleaning occurs at least weekly. Incorporate additional cleaning if you meet some of the criteria discussed above. Regardless of how busy the household is, deep cleaning is necessary at least twice a year. 


A tip from many cleaning experts is to clean your sofa when you clean your carpets to make it easier to remember. This schedule includes deep cleaning. If you have your carpets professionally deep cleaned every year, adding your couches to that service is worth considering. 

Benefits of Regular Cleaning

Sofas are a crucial component of our home decor and design. As a result, we are willing to pay a little more for style and comfort. Regular cleaning keeps these investments looking their best and extends their lives, adding value.


More importantly, regular cleaning removes odors and unhealthy allergens. This removal is essential in homes with family members prone to illness or respiratory conditions. 

How to Clean Your Couches

Clean spills from eating, drinking, arts, and crafts as soon as possible to prevent setting in and damaging the materials. What you use to clean these spills depends on the fabric of your couch.


Most homeowners don’t realize this, but couches often come with information on cleaning methods on the white manufacturing tags located on the underside of their cushions. This cleaning information often includes one or two letters to identify the best cleaning solutions for your couch material, including:


●      W: water-based cleaning solutions

●      S: solvent-based 

●      S/W: either water or solvent-based

●      X: vacuum cleaner or brush instead of cleaning solutions


With a wet disinfectant cloth, more rigid materials like acrylic and leather couches clean up easily. If you aren’t sure what kind of material you have in your sofa, reach out to your furniture dealer or manufacturer. 


Aside from immediate stains, weekly cleaning using a vacuum or brush is sufficient, particularly under the cushions, to get food crumbs and loose dirt particles. 

Professional Cleaning

If you’ve never had your sofas cleaned professionally or haven’t done it in a while, consider calling Steam Smart Pro. An expert deep clean can help restore the appearance and remove unhealthy dirt and debris. 


Contact us at 520-462-1183 to answer “how often should you get your sofa cleaned” or learn how to get furniture marks out of your carpet.  

Author Bio:

Eric Bullard

The owner of Steam Smart Pro in Tucson, AZ, brings over 20 years of invaluable experience in the field of carpet, tile, and air duct cleaning. With a strong dedication to quality and a deep understanding of effective cleaning techniques, Eric consistently delivers outstanding results to his satisfied residential and commercial clients.

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