Steam Smart Pro Carpet Duct & Tile Cleaning 

How Are Water-Damaged Carpets Cleaned

Eric Bullard • May 10, 2022
Carpet Cleaning in Sahuarita, AZ

Water damage to your carpet occurs in many ways, including slow hidden leaks. Whether from a cracked fish tank or a massive flood, an immediate and thorough cleaning of your water-damaged carpet is key to saving the carpet and protecting your family's overall health. 


Contact Steam Smart Pro for premier carpet cleaning services in Sahuarita, AZ, and the surrounding areas. 

Water Damage 

Untreated wet carpets lead to unhealthy bacteria growth in and under the carpet and padding. Spongy padding adheres to the floor surface, particularly when wet. If not adequately dried, the excess water remains seeped into the padding, causing deterioration and creating breeding grounds for unhealthy bacteria.

Mold, Mildew, Fungi

The growth of mold, mildew, and fungi begins within 24 hours of initial water damage. Unfortunately, these bacteria are initially invisible to the eye. By the time visible indicators are present, it is too late to effectively resolve the matter. 


You do not have to wait until you see mold and mildew spots specifically to realize bacteria is present. Odd smells and general discoloration in the carpet are indicators that mold, mildew, or fungi lie beneath the service. 

Health Risks

Mold, fungi, and mildew impact your health. For family members who suffer from allergies, unhealthy bacteria can trigger reactions, including:


●      Sneezing

●      Coughing

●      Difficulty breathing

●      Congestion

●      Eye irritation


In those who suffer respiratory conditions, bacteria can trigger:


●      Asthma attacks

●      Respiratory infections

●      Fatigue


Any amount of water or dampness in the carpet is a danger to your family's health. Whether a small spill or a significant flood, it is critical to act quickly after water damage. 

Cleaning Process

Clean up after water damage is not necessarily difficult if you follow the proper steps and use the right equipment. 

Five-Step Process

If you have a water-damaged carpet, immediately:


●      Find the source

●      Remove excess water

●      Clean the carpet

●      Dry the carpet

●      Consider replacing the padding


Determine if the source of the leak is ongoing or has ceased. It is a waste of time to begin cleanup if the leak or water damage continues.


Determine the category of damage. Categories include:


●      Clean water damage from rain, appliances, or water lines

●      Greywater damage from mild contaminants such as dirty dishwater or toilet overflows

●      Blackwater damage from severe contaminants such as sewer water


The category sets the tone for the intensity of the cleanup and drying process. 


After determining the source and category, remove excess water immediately. Excess water removal requires a shop vac, pump, and bucket, and opening doors and windows will speed up the process. 


Next, clean the water-damaged carpet using a shampooer or towels. Cleaning solutions with disinfectants kill mold, fungi, and bacteria.


Lastly, use a fan, heater, and open air to dry the carpet. If possible, remove the carpet for outdoor drying. 


After all of that, consider replacing the carpet padding. It is the best source for breeding unhealthy bacteria and is more cost-effective than replacing the carpet. 

Handling Contaminants

Self-cleaning is sufficient if the water damage is not widespread and is from a clean water source. Greywater or blackwater damage requires more in-depth cleaning procedures and precautions. 


Cleaning water damage containing contaminants requires the proper safety gear. You should wear gloves, protective clothing, masks, and safety glasses. 


Cleaning greywater or blackwater damage is unsafe and difficult. Our team of certified professionals is qualified to handle your significant water damage, regardless of the source. 


If the damage is widespread or from a greywater or blackwater source, do not hesitate to contact the cleaning professionals at Steam Smart Pro. It will get you the best results to prevent carpet replacement and protect your family.

Cleaning Times

Most homeowners underestimate the time needed to clean and adequately dry water-damaged carpets. The amount of time necessary to effectively clean up after water damage depends on the amount of water and size of the damage. A lot of water in a confined space or a moderate amount of water in a large area requires extra effort and time. 


Considerable water damage requires at least two to three days to dry completely. Even if you do not believe that the water has spread to areas beneath your furniture, it is best to remove all furniture during cleaning and drying. 


Refrain from walking on water-damaged carpet until you are confident the area has had time to dry. Do not return furniture to the space until the drying process is complete. Replacing furniture too early can hinder drying times and airflow.

Carpet Replacement

At a minimum, carpet padding requires replacing following significant carpet damage. There are instances when complete carpet replacement is necessary. Replace the carpet if:


●      The amount or size of damage was excessive

●      The carpet remained saturated for a long time

●      The water damage was from a blackwater source


To avoid potential carpet replacement, call the professionals at Steam Smart Pro. We have professional water extractors and industrial drying equipment for in-depth cleaning. Renting this equipment from do-it-yourself chain stores is possible but highly costly. 

Steam Smart Pro

Prompt and exhaustive cleaning measures are necessary once you’ve experienced water damage. If you delay cleaning or only partially clean the affected area, you risk putting your family in danger and damaging your carpet beyond repair. For reliable and expert carpet cleaning, consider contacting the professionals at Steam Smart Pro. 


Steam Smart Pro is a family-owned and operated business proudly serving Sahuarita. We take the health and comfort of your family as seriously as our own, providing same-day and emergency services at affordable rates to you. We offer free, no-obligation evaluations.


We have the tools to get the job done meticulously and quickly. Our satisfied customer reviews testify to the dependable services of our caring staff and qualified technicians. 


At Steam Smart Pro, no job is too big or too small. Our mission is to help you recover from extensive water damage and keep your family safe. Contact us at 520-462-1183 for more information on water-damaged carpets or to learn how to maintain your carpet after professional cleaning

Author Bio:

Eric Bullard

The owner of Steam Smart Pro in Tucson, AZ, brings over 20 years of invaluable experience in the field of carpet, tile, and air duct cleaning. With a strong dedication to quality and a deep understanding of effective cleaning techniques, Eric consistently delivers outstanding results to his satisfied residential and commercial clients.

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