Steam Smart Pro Carpet Duct & Tile Cleaning 

Is Vacuuming Carpet Enough to Clean It?

Eric Bullard • May 10, 2022
Vacuuming Carpet from Steam Smart Pro

Most people vacuum their carpets at least once every few weeks. Regular vacuuming can keep your carpet looking fresh and dirt-free, especially carpets that see a lot of foot traffic. Many homeowners think that vacuuming their carpet is enough to clean it, but are they right?

The short answer is: No, vacuuming a carpet is not enough to clean it thoroughly. While regular vacuuming is part of good carpet care, some dirt and stains are too deep for vacuuming alone to remove. In that case, your best bet is to call a professional carpet cleaning company like Steam Smart Pro.

Check out our blog for more carpet cleaning tips and tricks!!

Why is Vacuuming Not Enough?

Most experts recommend vacuuming your carpet at least once a week to keep it in good condition. But vacuuming alone is not enough, so you shouldn’t rely on it as your sole cleaning method. In fact, most professionals don’t even consider vacuuming as cleaning.

It Only Removes Surface Dirt

Even heavy-duty vacuums with a lot of suction can’t remove all the dirt and dust trapped in your carpet fibers. Things like dust mites, skin cells, bacteria, pollen, spores, and pet dander settle into deep carpet fibers, too deep for a typical vacuum cleaner to reach.

Deep cleaning uses water and detergent to thoroughly scrub carpet fibers, removing stubborn dirt and debris tangled in its roots. Cleaners will then remove this mixture, letting the fibers dry completely clean and fresh. 

Vacuums Struggle with Stains

Vacuums are typically good at removing medium to large debris but struggle to remove discoloration and stains. Accidents and spills on your carpet will happen eventually, so vacuuming alone won’t be suitable for cleaning.

In fact, vacuuming right after spills can dry your carpet out, causing the stains to set in faster. Detergents in deep cleaning treatments can break down ingrained molecules that cause stains and discoloration, restoring your carpet's original color and shade.

It Can’t Remove Odors

Most carpet accidents come with unpleasant smells. Vacuuming can remove debris and dirt, but it won’t be able to remove odors effectively. Bad carpet smells are probably a common occurrence if you have pets in your home.

If you want to neutralize any unsavory odors, you’ll have to clean your carpet with detergent and water. Deep cleaning breaks apart and removes molecules that cause odors, like pet urine or mud stains.

Deep Cleaning Restores Appearance

Last but not least, vacuuming alone cannot restore the fullness and plush appearance of a new carpet. Entrenched dirt and grime flatten fibers, making them look wispy and matted. If you only vacuum, your carpet will constantly look older than it actually is.

Regular deep cleaning restores the carpet's "like new” appearance by refreshing and restoring carpet fibers. Professional cleaning penetrates deep into carpet layers, removing dirt and debris that has settled to the bottom.

Reasons to Hire a Professional Carpet Cleaner

Since vacuuming isn’t enough, the best option for your dirty carpets is to hire a professional cleaner. Below are just a few reasons why hiring  carpet cleaning professionals from Oro valley is a good idea.

Equipment and Products

Professionals like the team at steam Smart Pro have access to professional heavy-duty equipment and products for cleaning residential and commercial carpets, such as:

●        Steam cleaners

●        Truck mounts

●        Wet/dry vacs

●        Air movers

●        Industrial fans

These kinds of tools make it much easier to penetrate the top layers of carpets and remove as much dirt and debris as possible. Most homeowners don’t have access to industrial carpet cleaning equipment, so they can only do so much without renting expensive tools.

Practical Experience

Professional carpet cleaners also have extensive experience working with different types of carpets and equipment. For example, polyester carpets will require different cleaning products and techniques than shag carpets.

Expert carpet cleaners can identify the kind of carpet you have and how best to clean it. Their experience in the field lets them handle virtually any job that comes their way.

Experience also allows carpet cleaners to adapt to any unique cleaning needs you may have. 

Quality Results

When you hire professionals, you can expect professional results. Expert cleaners will give your carpet a facelift, restoring its original color and body. Deep cleaning methods can blast away stains and neutralize odors, enhancing your carpet’s appearance and extending its lifespan.

Additionally, professional technicians can sanitize your carpet, protecting it from bacterial and mold growth. Sanitization is a crucial part of the cleaning process and requires specialized cleaning products.

Saves Time

Last but not least, hiring a professional saves your time. Most homeowners don’t have space in their schedules to deep clean all their carpets. Professionals can ensure they perform the job efficiently and quickly.

So if you don’t want to spend your weekend scrubbing away at your carpets, you can hire a pro to handle things for you. That way, you can have more time with family and friends.

How Often Should I Deep Clean My Carpets?

Our experts at Steam Smart Pro recommend that you deep clean your carpets at least once every 12 to 18 months. However, the ideal cleaning schedule depends on various factors about your carpet, like its type, age, and condition.

For example, carpets near doors might require more frequent cleaning because they receive more foot traffic. Also, you may need more frequent cleaning if you suffer from allergies or have pets around the house.

Keep in mind that most carpet manufacturers require regular cleaning to maintain your warranty. Most manufacturers don’t consider vacuuming cleaning, and vacuuming alone could void your product warranty.

Hire Professional Carpet Cleaners

So is vacuuming carpet enough to get your floors clean? Your carpets occasionally need professional deep cleaning. As Tucson’s favorite carpet cleaning company, Steam Smart Pro is here for all your deep cleaning needs. Feel free to check out our blog to learn how often to clean carpets and rugs. 

To learn more about our carpet deep cleaning services, contact Steam Smart Pro online or call us at (520) 397-3770 today!

Author Bio:

Eric Bullard

The owner of Steam Smart Pro in Tucson, AZ, brings over 20 years of invaluable experience in the field of carpet, tile, and air duct cleaning. With a strong dedication to quality and a deep understanding of effective cleaning techniques, Eric consistently delivers outstanding results to his satisfied residential and commercial clients.

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